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Joanna Beasley
SPEAKING is something that makes me feel alive. Not only does it activate my true heart, but I get to INSPIRE the hearts of others and watch them awaken as words fall on listening ears.
Words are like seeds. I have been given so much, and so many great minds have planted seeds into my life that I must keep planting into others lives as well. Words have the ability to REWIRE. Sometimes our lives get off a bit, or a lot....BUT the power of life and death are in the tongue. SO, I speak truth and ears receive life.
If I matter, and I’m worth it to Him, what would really happen if I fully received that as absolute, and compelled others just the same…so here we go.
"From her singing to her speaking, she is helping people reach their FULL potential."
- Tim Storey
Pastor of The Congregation Church
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